HomeEating Psychology7 Snacks to Show Off 6-Pack Abs

7 Snacks to Show Off 6-Pack Abs

When you’ve put the effort into getting a slim, toned midsection, the last thing you need is a bloat-causing snack to mask that washboard look. But there’s no need to sit around starving—when you snack smart you can still show off that six-pack! Here are 7 dietitian-approved snacks to keep things nice and flat.

If you’re craving savory…

1. 3 ounces low-sodium turkey with sliced tomato Tomato slices rolled up in turkey is a light and refreshing snack. The tomato is rich in potassium and fiber, and the turkey offers a healthy protein hit. “Potassium serves as a bloat-buster by counter-balancing sodium,” NYC-based dietician Jackie London, M.S., R.D. explains.

2. Celery with hummus and salsa “This is light and refreshing, and loaded with vitamins and minerals,” says London. “You get protein and fiber from hummus and celery, while salsa adds potassium and vitamin C—just make sure to purchase low-sodium or no-sodium added salsa.”

If you have a sweet tooth…

3. PB-banana-berry skewers “Sandwich nut butter between bananas and strawberries on a skewer, and store in the freezer until you’re ready to go,” says London. This snack is high in potassium from the banana, the berries offer fiber, and nut butter is a great source of protein. “A combination of protein and fiber will stave off cravings, making binges less likely,” says London

4. Sliced apple or pear with 1 tbsp. of nut butter The nut butter provides protein, while the sliced fruit is high in water, fiber, and potassium. “Salt-free foods don’t cause bloat the way high-sodium snacks like BBQ favorites and potato chips can,” says London.

5. Greek yogurt with berries or cut up melon “In general, this is an easy, quick, high-protein, and high-fiber snack on-the-go,” says London. Berries are healthy and nutritious, but if you want a double-dose of bloat-beating ingredients opt for melon, such as cantaloupe or honeydew, which tends to be higher in potassium. “Watermelon is high-water volume as well, so that’s a good add-on!” London says.

6. Frozen grapes “You can add these to yogurt, or eat them on their own—they’re my personal summer favorite,” London says. Frozen grapes are also great for hydration, and perfect when you ‘re craving an icy treat.

If you want something substantial…

7. Smoothies! Made with Greek yogurt, 1 cup berries, 1 tbsp. of chia seeds, and 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk, a smoothie is a filling high-fiber, high-protein option. “You can also add other fruit, or a tablespoon of nut butter to turn your snack into a more satisfying meal,” says London.

Need some help getting a set of 6-pack abs? Check out the Runtastic Six Pack Abs Workout app.

Got a 6-pack-friendly snack you love? Share it in the comments below!


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